We are excited to be back in the salon on June 22, 2020 and are looking forward to seeing you!
We are working our way towards a careful re-entry into the salon with some excellent guidance and recommendations from the Ontario Public Health and the Ontario Minister of Health. Things may be different, but our priority is a safe environment for everyone.
A great deal of thought and preparation has been put into the following changes and protocols that you will notice at your next visit. We ask that you review these changes carefully. We will need your full cooperation to have a successful reopening and keep everyone safe.
If you are showing any symptoms of illness whatsoever, we ask that you reschedule your appointment as soon as possible. This includes cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, new smell or taste disorder, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, unexplained fatigue, chills, headache, or fever.
If you have traveled out of the province, or been in contact with anyone with respiratory illness or a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 please cancel or reschedule your appointment.
Once you have parked at the salon, please TEXT reception (Michelle 519-495-8225) to check-in. If you do not have a cell phone, please knock on the front door and we will meet you there. A brief risk assessment and health screening will be performed upon arrival at the salon. Those who do not pass the screening will, unfortunately, not be allowed to enter the salon.
We will need to limit the number of clients in the salon to one at a time. You can wait in your car or on the porch until you receive confirmation that you can enter. Please be punctual, do not show up early or late for your appointment to help keep things running smoothly.
Every client MUST use hand sanitizer, which will be provided before entering the salon.
Every client MUST wear a mask with their scheduled appointment . Please bring your own mask with you and wear it as soon as you enter. If you do not have a mask, one will be available for you to purchase for $2.00. Simply Skin staff will also be wearing masks for your protection.
We will maintain a registry of individuals entering the salon to allow for contact tracing if needed (which is basically our schedule book of client appointments).
All visits to the salon are by appointment – no walk-ins, please. Please send all appointment requests to me by email at simplyskinaesthetics@gmail.com or call the salon at 519-204-8818.
We request clients to attend their appointment on their own unless a support person is needed or the accompaniment of a minor is required (let us know if so). As much as we love seeing you, please no families at this time.
Everyone entering and leaving the building will be required to use hand sanitizer stationed at all entrances/exits.
Please limit the belongings you bring into the salon.
Plexiglass partitioning has been ordered and will be installed very soon at the reception desk. You will be able to pay by cash, debit/credit and the machine will be cleaned between each use.
A regular and frequent daily schedule of disinfecting high touchpoints in the salon has been incorporated with approved CDC and Health Canada products against COVID-19. All equipment and surfaces will be disinfected before the next client will be allowed entry
We have obtained a “GermGuardian” Hepa & UV-C light technology Air Purifier unit that will improve air quality, by reducing allergens, odours, and helps fight bacteria, viruses and germs.
It has been a long three months. Collectively, we have done well in limiting the spread of this virus. With careful and thoughtful protocols, we can continue to do so safely and still provide the great care that you have come to count on.
Please be patient and understand with us during this time, we will do our best to get you booked as soon as possible.
**Unfortunately, all services on or around the face are not permitted at this time (Phase 2). We will keep you updated on when that restriction will be lifted as soon as we are informed.**
Looking forward to seeing you!
Simply Skin
Sugaring & Aesthetics